About IQAC
About Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in 2013 at IASE (Deemed to be University) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure.The IQAC has been constituted as per the recommendations of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). IQAC will become a vital part of the institution’s quality assurance system and work towards ensuring quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of its institution.
The establishment of the IQAC is the first step towards institutionalization and internalization of quality enhancement initiatives. Its success depends on its sense of belongingness and participation in all the activities of the institution. It will not be yet another hierarchical structure or a record-keeping unit of the institution but will be a facilitative and participative unit of the institution. It has the potential to become a vehicle for ushering in quality enhancement through its planned and interventionist strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality, as in Quality Circles in industries.
To develop a mechanism to promote conscious, consistent and catalytic action plans to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution
To promote institutional quality enhancement and sustenance through the internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of the best practices.
To promote quality culture as the prime concern of Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the quality-enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal and external support.
Shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:
- Ensuring timely, efficient, and progressive performance of academic, administrative, and financial units
- Adopting relevant and quality academic and research programs
- Ensuring equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for various sections of society
- Optimizing and integrating modern methods of teaching and learning
- Ensuring credible assessment and evaluation processes
- Properly allocating, ensuring adequacy, and maintaining support structures and services
- Sharing research findings and fostering networking with other institutions in India and abroad
Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
- Development and application of quality benchmarks
- Parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process
- Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality-related themes and promotion of quality circles
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement
- Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining / enhancing the institutional quality
- Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC
Will facilitate / contribute to:
- Ensure clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement
- Ensure internalization of the quality culture
- Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices
- Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning
- Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs
- Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication
Outcomes of IQAC Activities
- Accreditation – NAAC
- National Ranking – NIRF
- AICTE Approval for professional courses
- UGC Graded autonomy
- Media Rankings
- MHRD All India Survey for Higher Education
- Swachh Bharat Summer Internship Program
- Swachhta Ranking
- Feedback from stakeholders
- Fully Flexible Credit System
- Curriculum for Applied Learning
- Promoting Technology Enhanced Learning – MOOC
- Annual Quality Assurance Report
IQAC Members
IQAC Reports
- IQAC Meeting Minutes : 2016
- IQAC Meeting Minutes : 2017
- IQAC Meeting Minutes : 2018
- IQAC Meeting Minutes : 2019
- Structured Action Taken and Feedback Analysis Report : 2016
- Structured Action Taken and Feedback Analysis Report : 2017
- Structured Action Taken and Feedback Analysis Report : 2018
- Structured Action Taken and Feedback Analysis Report : 2019
- Structured Action Taken and Feedback Analysis Report : 2020
- Structured Action Taken and Feedback Analysis Report : 2021
- IQAC Outcome : 2016
- IQAC Outcome : 2017
- IQAC Outcome : 2018
- IQAC Outcome : 2019
- IQAC Outcome : 2020
- IQAC Outcome : 2021
- IQAC Outcome : 2022
- Accreditation Report
- SSR 2021
- Supporting Documents For SSR 2021
- Extended SSR
- 1.1.Number of programs offered year-wise for last five years
- 1.2.Number of departments offering academic programmes
- 2.1.Number of students year-wise during last five years
- 2.2.Number of outgoing/final year students year-wise during last five years
- 2.3.Number of students appeared in the University examination year-wise during the last five years
- 2.4.Number of revaluation applications year-wise during the last 5 years
- 3.1.Number of courses in all programs year-wise during last five years
- 3.2.Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
- 3.3.Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during last five years
- 4.1.Number of eligible applications received for admissions to all the programs year-wise during last five years
- 4.2.Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during last five years
- Criteria 1: Curriculum Aspect
- 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development
- 1.1.1 Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national, regional and global developmental needs which is reflected in Programme outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the University
- 1.1.2: Percentage of Programmes where syllabus revision was carried out during the last five years.
- 1.1.3: Average percentage of courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development offered by the institution during the last five years
- 1.2 Academic Flexibility
- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
- 1.4 Feedback System
- 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development
- Criteria 2: Teaching-learning and Evaluation
- 2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile
- 2.2 Catering to Student Diversity
- 2.3 Teaching- Learning Process
- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
- 2.4.2: Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. year-wise during the last five years
- 2.4.4: Average percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government/Govt. recognised bodies during the last five years
- 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
- 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
- Criteria 3: Research, Innovations and Extension
- 3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities
- 3.1.1: The institution Research facilities are frequently updated and there is a well defined policy for promotion of research which is uploaded on the institutional website and implemented
- 3.1.2: The institution provides seed money to its teachers for research (average per year, INR in Lakhs)
- 3.1.3: Percentage of teachers receiving national / international fellowship / financial support by various agencies for advanced studies / research during the last five years.
- 3.1.4: Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows enrolled in the institution during the last five years.
- 3.1.1.a: Promotion of Research and Facilities
- 3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research
- 3.2.2: Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
- Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
- 3.2.3: Number of research projects per teacher funded by government and non-government agencies during the last five years
- 3.3 Innovation Ecosystem
- 3.3.1: Institution has created an eco system for innovations including Incubation centre and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge.
- 3.3.2: Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), entrepreneurship, skill development during the last five years.
- 3.3.3: Number of awards / recognitions received for research/innovations by the institution / teachers / research scholars / students during the last five years.
- 3.4 Research Publications and Awards
- 3.4.1: The Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research through the following: 1. Inclusion of research ethics in the research methodology coursework 2. Presence of Ethics committee 3. Plagiarism check through software 4. Research Advisory Committee
- 3.4.2: The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognitions/awards 1. Commendation and monetary incentive at a University function 2. Commendation and medal at a University function 3. Certificate of honor 4. Announcement in the Newsletter / website
- 3.4.5: Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
- 3.4.6: Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years
- 3.4.8: Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on average citation index in Scopus/ Web of Science or PubMed
- 3.5 Consultancy
- 3.6 Extension Activities
- 3.7 Collaboration
- 3.7.1: Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship per year
- 3.7.2: Number of functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years.
- 3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities
- Criteria 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
- 4.1 Physical Facilities
- 4.1.1: The institution has adequate facilities for teaching – learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.
- 4.1.2: The institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games (indoor, outdoor) and sports. (gymnasium, yoga centre, auditorium, etc.)
- 4.1.3: Availability of general campus facilities and overall ambience
- 4.1.4: Average percentage of expenditure for infrastructure augmentation excluding salary during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
- 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource
- 4.2.3: Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
- 4.2.4: Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access) during the last completed academic year
- 4.3 IT Infrastructure
- 4.3.1: Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT – enabled facilities such as LCD, smart board, Wi-Fi/LAN, audio video recording facilities. (Data for the latest completed academic year)
- 4.3.2: Institution has an IT policy, makes appropriate budgetary provision and updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi facility
- 4.3.5: Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development 1. Media centre 2. Audio visual centre 3. Lecture Capturing System(LCS) 4. Mixing equipments and softwares for editing
- 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
- 4.1 Physical Facilities
- Criteria 5: Student Support and Progression
- 5.1 Student Support
- 5.1.1: Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, Government and non-government agencies (NGOs) during the last five years (other than the students receiving scholarships under the government schemes for reserved categories).
- 5.1.2: Average percentage of students benefited by career counseling and guidance for competitive examinations offered by the Institution during the last five years.
- 5.1.3: Following Capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students capability 1. Soft skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. Awareness of trends in technology
- 5.1.4: The institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases 1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies 2. Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance 3. Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances 4. Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees
- 5.2 Student Progression
- 5.2.1: Average percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years (eg: IIT-JAM/CLAT/ NET/SLET/GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations, etc.)
- 5.2.2: Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years
- 5.3 Student Participation and Activities
- 5.3.1: Number of awards / medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports / cultural activities at inter-university / state / national / international events (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years.
- 5.3.2: Presence of Student Council and its activities for institutional development and student welfare.
- 5.3.3: Average number of sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the institution per year
- 5.4 Alumni Engagement
- 5.1 Student Support
- Criteria 6: Governance, Leadership and Management
- 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
- 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
- 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
- 6.3.1: The institution has a performance appraisal system, promotional avenues and effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff.
- 6.3.2: Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years.
- 6.3.3: Average number of professional development / administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the last five years.
- 6.3.4: Average percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP)during the last five years (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course ).
- 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
- 6.4.2: Funds / Grants received from government bodies during the last five years for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V ) (INR in Lakhs).
- 6.4.3: Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years (not covered in Criterion III and V) (INR in Lakhs)
- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
- Criteria 7: Institutional Values and Best Practices
- 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
- 7.1.1: Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years.
- 7.1.2: The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures 1 Solar energy 2 Biogas plant 3 Wheeling to the Grid 4 Sensor-based energy conservation 5 Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment
- 7.1.4: Water conservation facilities available in the Institution: 1 Rain water harvesting 2 Borewell /Open well recharge 3 Construction of tanks and bunds 4 Waste water recycling 5 Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus
- 7.1.5: Green campus initiatives include: 1 Restricted entry of automobiles 2 Use of Bicycles/ Battery powered vehicles 3 Pedestrian Friendly pathways 4 Ban on use of Plastic 5 landscaping with trees and plants
- 7.1.7: The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier free environment 1 Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms. 2 Disabled-friendly washrooms 3 Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts 4 Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities ( Divyangjan) accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment 5 Provision for enquiry and information : Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material, screen reading
- 7.1.10: The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard. 1 The Code of Conduct is displayed on the website 2 There is a committee to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct 3 Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students, teachers, administrators and other staff 4 Annual awareness programmes on Code of Conduct are organized
- 7.1.11: Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals (within 500 words).
- 7.2 Best Practices
- 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
- 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
- Extended SSR
- Extended Profile
Extended Profile
- 3.3 Number of students appeared in the University examination year-wise during the last five yearsDVV CommentThe institute has not projected any statement in the appeal except “No Appeal”. The data however is being verified for other related Metrics in the Re-DVV process. As per 2.6.3 (SSR) only 400 final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the Institution in 2019-20. The institute had 1086 students on rolls. As per data in 2.6.3 for final year exam only (because of Covid). The HEI has not provided any data with 2.5.2 also. HEI to provide reports from the Controller of Exam (COE), counter signed by the Registrar, mentioning the Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation, year-wise during the last five years. The HEI to include Minutes of the grievance cell / relevant body of the examination cell along with the authority letter of constitution of the cell. The Cell reports must indicate number of complaints and the relief provided.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the different issues raised in the present query that:
1.The HEI appreciates the effort made by the authorities of NAAC to remove ambiguity emerged with regard to clause 3.3 read with 2.5.2 to remove this ambiguity by NAAC with the help of the similar nature of data provided under clause 2.6.3.
To remove the present ambiguity/address the present query the HEI submits that this is true total number of students enrolled on roll during 2019-20 for different academic programmes were 1086. Out of which the students appeared in examination and passed with the guideline for promotion is submitted hereunder :
A.Students appeared in examinations and passed: 396, and
students appeared in examinations but failed : 04
B.Students did not appear in the examinations. However, they have been promoted to the next class/passed with promotion under the scheme to promote/pass as per the guidelines of UGC/State (The competent authority of the university has also approved and resolved for adoption of the policy to promote): 686.
Note: Thus, the given classification reveals the total 1086 students enrolled on the roll of the university.
2.The copy of relevant record is submitted herewith signed by COE and counter signed by the Registrar.
3.Submitted with regard to the grievances of students, reports of the grievance cell/university authority with regard to the complaints/grievances/relief granted with regard to the Grievance Cell that No Complaint has been lodged by any of the student and therefore, the Grievances Cell did not have to initiate any action or required to submit any report.
4. (For Guideline : Click Here)
5.Result of all the students for the session 2019-20 (Copy of TR)
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - 5.3 Total number of classrooms and seminar hallsDVV CommentHEI must provide captions to the attached photographs. Some of the photographs are of the same class room. The HEI must provide the Total number of classrooms and seminar halls along with Plan/ Listing of the classrooms and seminar halls irrespective of the Mode of education these are utilized. Captioned and signed by the Registrar, Geo tagged, photos of all the classrooms and seminar halls to be provided. The HEI has not attached any proof of the numbers of the classrooms. The HEI to provide complete plan of the seminar hall and the ALL the class rooms, with class room numbers along with location (building). The HEI to also provide details of the class rooms indicating which are ICT enabled. Geotagged Photographs verified from the point of view of identification and as proof of the geographic location to be provided.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the different issues raised in the present query that:
1.The copies of the class rooms i.e. 84 (ICT enabled class room 12 and 72 class rooms), and
In addition to it, the HEI provides the copies/documentary record of HoDs Office 06, Office Room 04, Laboratories 10, Seminar Halls 04, Museum 03, Art Gallery 01, Skill Development Department 01, Staff Room 04, Girls Common Room 02, Boys Common Room 02, Crèche Room 01, Store Rooms 03 with their plan, Geo-Tagged Photographs, Photographs and Certification/Permission letter for use signed and counter signed by the competent officers of the University are enclosed herewith for your kind consideration.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - 5.4 Total number of computers in the campus for academic purposeDVV CommentTotal number of computers in the campus for academic purpose The HEI to provide an attested copy of the Stock register extracts/or bills of purchase / invoice copy. The summary of the stock to be signed by the store in-charge and counter signed by the Registrar/ competent Authority, as per the SOP. The HEI to provide a List, signed by the Registrar, containing installation of the systems, configuration and numbers, accompanied by photographs of the installation/ labs. The number of computers should be for direct use by the students only and for academic purpose. The HEI to Exclude computers used for administrative purpose and to provide their list separately, certified by the registrar. Self attested, Scan copies of the stock register of the serviceable computers to be provided. The HEI may provide attested copies of Invoices in addition to the above. HEI to highlight the purchase of computers in the stock registers.ResponseIn response to the present query it is submitted that:1.A consolidated list of purchase of 165 computers (Operational) along with their voucher/invoice/bill no. with configuration and photographs of the installation of labs for academic purpose and for direct use of students highlighted herewith and duly signed by the Registrar is submitted.
2.A consolidated list of purchase of 53 computers (Operational) along with their voucher/invoice/bill no. with configuration and photographs of the installation for administrative purpose highlighted herewith and duly signed by the Registrar is submitted.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- 3.3 Number of students appeared in the University examination year-wise during the last five yearsDVV CommentThe institute has not projected any statement in the appeal except “No Appeal”. The data however is being verified for other related Metrics in the Re-DVV process. As per 2.6.3 (SSR) only 400 final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the Institution in 2019-20. The institute had 1086 students on rolls. As per data in 2.6.3 for final year exam only (because of Covid). The HEI has not provided any data with 2.5.2 also. HEI to provide reports from the Controller of Exam (COE), counter signed by the Registrar, mentioning the Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation, year-wise during the last five years. The HEI to include Minutes of the grievance cell / relevant body of the examination cell along with the authority letter of constitution of the cell. The Cell reports must indicate number of complaints and the relief provided.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the different issues raised in the present query that:
- Criteria 1: Curriculum Aspect
- 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development
- Number of courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development year-wise during the last five yearsDVV CommentThe HEI has considered certain certificate courses and PG diploma program as part of curriculum and claimed these as courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development. Certificate in Digital Photogrammetry Certificate in GIS, or DGI, Certificate in GIS and Remote Sensing Certificate in Lidar Certificate in Drone are Add on courses and do not fall under courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development . None of the certificate courses are in the data file with 3.1 (courses). HEI list includesResponseIt is submitted that courses having focus on employability/entrepreneurship/skill development offered in addition to the courses included in the curriculum of the regular degree programmes. The IASE Deemed to be University have also offered certain independent certificate and PG Diploma courses (including the courses mentioned in your query through the present DVV) to the students as independent skill programmes.Submitted further in this regard that these courses do not fall in the category of add on courses since these courses are neither offered to the regular students of our regular degree programmes. These courses have provision to be offered on regular basis only for the students whose enrolment in these programmes as full time and independent study programmes. The said programmes have been designed to lead employment in the respective discipline of knowledge and skill. Some of the appointment letters/offer letter/employment documents attached herewith are self evidentiary proof to claim these programmes ensure employability and skills.A list of such students name, copies of their appointment letters or e-mail from the employers to join are linked with the list.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given belowClick to View Attachment
- Number of courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development year-wise during the last five yearsDVV CommentThe HEI has considered certain certificate courses and PG diploma program as part of curriculum and claimed these as courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development. Certificate in Digital Photogrammetry Certificate in GIS, or DGI, Certificate in GIS and Remote Sensing Certificate in Lidar Certificate in Drone are Add on courses and do not fall under courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development . None of the certificate courses are in the data file with 3.1 (courses). HEI list includesResponseIt is submitted that courses having focus on employability/entrepreneurship/skill development offered in addition to the courses included in the curriculum of the regular degree programmes. The IASE Deemed to be University have also offered certain independent certificate and PG Diploma courses (including the courses mentioned in your query through the present DVV) to the students as independent skill programmes.Submitted further in this regard that these courses do not fall in the category of add on courses since these courses are neither offered to the regular students of our regular degree programmes. These courses have provision to be offered on regular basis only for the students whose enrolment in these programmes as full time and independent study programmes. The said programmes have been designed to lead employment in the respective discipline of knowledge and skill. Some of the appointment letters/offer letter/employment documents attached herewith are self evidentiary proof to claim these programmes ensure employability and skills.A list of such students name, copies of their appointment letters or e-mail from the employers to join are linked with the list.
- 1.2 Academic Flexibility
- How many new courses were introduced within the last five years.
DVV CommentThe institute has not projected any statement in the appeal except We accept DVV recommendation. The data however, is being verified for other related Metrics in the Re-DVV process.ResponseSubmitted on the query with regards to the new courses is that the university has introduced 318 new courses under 09 different academic programmes during the preceding five years which are subject to assessment.
(The list of courses categorized under the different academic programmes under the certification of competent authority attached herewith is a self evidentiary proof for this claim.)Certified copies of Minutes/ resolutions of the appropriate competent authorities of the university are linked herewith for the reference.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given belowClick to View Attachment
- How many new courses were introduced within the last five years.
- 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development
- Criteria 2: Teaching-learning and Evaluation
- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
- Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from Government/Govt. recognized bodies year wise during the last five years
DVV CommentThe attached documents are grant o Fellowship, internship and other presentations in schools/ for chairing sessions etc. These are not awards from state /national /international level from Government/Govt. recognized bodies.As per the SoP Participation / presentation certificates – during paper presentation etc.are not eligible. Only award to Dt Ajay Tiwari at Peoples Forum @ BTYA dated 19-04-20 could be considered. The institute to provide documents for travel of Dr Tiwari to receive the award. The award to Dr Parik is of 14-12-2020 and nor from the period of assessment. The copy is smudged.ResponseSubmitted with respect to the present DVV query that the university has been conferred with/awarded two awards in the preceding five years which are subject to the assessment under this assessment of NAAC. These two award have been awarded to the two employees of the university by the authorities as desired under the norms of the NAAC.
1. The first award has been entitled, “Life Time Achievement Award” in form of a certificate to Dr. Ajay Krishan Tiwari as ‘International Ambassador’ by “BTYA-Political Talents Institutions”. THE WORLD PEOPLES’ FORUM.TWPF@ BTYA.IGO. on 19.04.2020.
This award has been awarded by an international agency, “Bangladesh Talent Young Alliance”. BTYA Political Talents institution. The Worlds Peoples’ Forum. TWPF@BTYA Bangladesh
Note : This award was to be awarded in person in the Bangladesh. However, due to the prevailing serious conditions of pandemic COVID-19, the award ceremony was organized with virtual mode. Therefore, the Awardee Dr. Ajay Krishan was not required to travel to the venue of award in person. Hence, he did not claim TA or other permissible allowance admissible for travel to Bangladesh.2. The second award has been conferred on the teacher of this university Dr. Sarita Sharma engaged in imparting education and dissemination of knowledge as a faculty in the Faculty of Education. This award i.e. ” Best Teacher Educator Award 2019″ has been awarded to her by the “National Council for Teacher Education” a statutory body of Govt. of India.
The copy of letter of award/intimation dated 18.11.2020 is submitted herewith for record. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, an award distribution ceremony in form of a certificate in person could not be organized till date.Note : The IASE Deemed to University, Sardarshahr endorsed, recognized and appreciates the award received by its employees Dr. Ajay Krishan Tiwari and Dr. Sarita Sharma respectively and felicitated them during ‘Pradhyapak Samman Samaroh’
3. Explanation and information of other relevant award etc.: Submitted that the information sought under this clause 2.4.4 includes not only the awards or fellowship but in addition to it, this includes recognition too. Therefore, the list of other recognition is also submitted herewith with its details.The changed input table has been submitted herewith.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from Government/Govt. recognized bodies year wise during the last five years
- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
- Criteria 3: Research, Innovations and Extension
- 3.1Promotion of Research and Facilities
- The amount of seed money provided by institution to its faculty year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).
DVV CommentThe HEI has mentioned only the name and the amount of the individuals claimed to have been paid seed money. There are no details of the projects or sanctions. The HEI has not provided title of the Research work for which the seed money has been paid. The HEI to provide copy of the university Policy signed by the VC bearing date and reference. The HEI to provide the List of the faculty who have been awarded seed money for research along with the title of the project, duration and amount year-wise. Attested copy of the entries in SEED Register may be provided. Documented Sanction letters of award of seed money to the teachers is mandatory. The HEI is to provide a certificate of the Dean R&D that the grant is for Research project. The HEI must upload the Excel file again with the project details (must) included in the Excel file adjacent to the name of the faculty. HE to include PAN of the faculty paid the seed money. The HEI to provide Audited Income-Expenditure statement highlighting the relevant expenditure signed by the Finance Officer and counter signed by the CA/Registrar, indicating seed money provided and utilizedResponseSubmitted with reference to the query with regard to the research and sanction of the seed that:
1.The university has policy through to conduct research and sanctioned seed money duly signed by the Registrar.
2. The university has detailed list/data of the research conducted along with the title of the research
3. The university has sanctioned seed money to the research scholars received seed money and conduct a research with year wise details.
4. The university has prepared due documentation with entries to provide seed money. 5. The university provides certificate through Director Research to grant research project.
6. The university has modus operandi to pay directly to the vendors on the basis of the details/direction of the research scholar/teacher to avoid the complication of income tax liabilities resulted from the mode to pay/deposit seed money in the individual account of teacher concerned.
7. Income and expenditure statement relevant to the expenditure of seed money spent on the research project duly signed by the F.O. and counter signed by the Registrar/CA.
Note : The detail of all the data/information on the above point of queries is submitted herewith in form of table and excel file.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - 3.1.5 Institution has the following facilities to support research
1. Central Instrumentation Centre
2. Animal House/Green House
3. Museum
4. Media laboratory/Studios
5. Business Lab
6. Research/Statistical
7. MootcourtDatabases
8. Theatre
9. Art Gallery
10. Any other facility to support research
DVV CommentThe HEI has not provided any supporting document with the SSR. The HEI to provide captioned Videos and geotagged photographs (captioned and signed by the Dean R&D) of each of the facilities available in the HEI. Mere claiming of facility without sufficient supporting documents cannot be considered as facility available. The HEI website does not support the HEI claim. The HEI to provide details with photographs on its website under Research link. The HEI to provide URL of the above web-page. The HEI to provide documents supporting existence of the facilities of Central Instrumentation as central facility. The HEI must provide attested copy of central orders under signatures of the VC for establishing the facilities. The HEI to provide copy (attested by the registrar) of the stock register of the infrastructure of the central facilities and the equipment.ResponseIt is submitted that captioned video and geo-tagged photographs of instrumentation centre, museum, theater, Art Gallery and Research Laboratories, Central Library and 03 Departmental Library with separate section with internet connectivity, computers and scanners in Library for Research Scholars are there in the University. The university provides the photographs of these facility with the copy of stock registers are attached herewith under the attestation and signature of the Registrar.
The copy of the letter/document to establish central instrumentation centre signed by the Vice Chancellor is attached herewith for your reference.
Link for the details with photographs of the facilities to support research are given on the website under Research link.
Link for documents in support of existence of facilities with list of apparatus, equipments and instruments available in central instrumentation centre as central facility is also given.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given belowClick to View Attachment
- The amount of seed money provided by institution to its faculty year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).
- 3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research
- Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
DVV CommentThe HEI has not provided any supporting document. The HEI to attach a TABULATED list of the granted project titles with details of Competent Authority as per the SOP Investigator, amount Sanctioned and sanctioning agency etc. The awarded amount (as per the letters of release of amount of grant (not sanction) must be for research projects sponsored by government. The sanction letter must show the sanction amount of grant, duration of the grant, the name of the beneficiary and the project title. The summary table must be in the Excel Format (as per NAAC) and the corresponding pdf signed by the Dean (R&D) and the CFO/Registrar. The HEI to include copy of each of the research grant as per the same order as in the Excel sheet. Grant utilization certificate may also be provided for the completed projects. The HEI may also attach the relevant income highlighted in its annual income/expenditure account sheet for the FY with signatures of the CA and the competent Authority as per the SOP. In house grants and consultancy/development projects are not Research Projects.ResponseIt is submitted that the education department of this university has conducted research in form of scheme/project under this clause. The study under these project have been carried out under the “Centrally Sponsored Scheme” under the auspicious assistance in form of project and grant there for by the Govt. of India. The duration of each project is restricted to six months.
Under this scheme, 10 research projects/grants have been sanctioned in the year 2015 (sanctioned grant in Lakhs. 10.5), 09 in 2016 (sanctioned grant in Lakhs. 6.1+4.03 =10.13), 08 in 2017(sanctioned grant in Lakhs. 9.25+8.66 = 17.91) and 08 in 2018(sanctioned grant in Lakhs. 9.45) . Thus, 35 research projects and grants thereof has been sanctioned by the Central Govt. and the research studies have been conducted by the teaching scholars of this university.
The documentary proof of all the research projects along with the grant sanctioned is attached herewith for your consideration.
Explanatory Note: Submitted that the studies conducted under these projects of the Govt. of India fall in the category of research project since the studies have been conducted in form of research. the guideline issued by the Govt. in this regard and is a self evidentiary document to prove specially its clause 9 that these project were launched and grant have been sanctioned to conduct research study. Refer enclosed guidelines.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - Number of research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the last five years.
DVV CommentThe HEI has not provided any supporting document. The HEI has included projects which do not qualify as research projects. The HEI has not provided any supporting document. Details of research projects and funding details as per the data template. Copy of the letter indicating sanction of research project and the name of the faculty funded by govt./ non-govt agencies to be provided. This metric is about the number of projects, hence the number of projects in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 put together should match with 3.2.3 Non-government agency. Projects funded by parent institution / trust / sister institutions are not eligible to be considered.The HEI to attach a TABULATED list of the granted project titles with details of Competent Authority as per the SOP Investigator, amount Sanctioned and sanctioning agency etc. The awarded amount (as per the letters of release of amount of grant (not sanction) must be for research projects sponsored by government. The sanction letter must show the sanction amount of grant, duration of the grant, the name of the beneficiary and the project title. The summary table must be in the Excel Format (as per NAAC) and the corresponding pdf signed by the Dean (R&D) and the CFO/Registrar.ResponseThe relevant information with supporting documents regarding Research Projects is also given in support thereof. Details of the Research projects name of the faculty funded by Govt. and non Govt. Agencies is also submitted herewith. Necessary improvements in table 3.2.1, 3.2.2 & 3.2.3 have been made. A tabulated list of granted project titles with detail of competent authority, name of investigator, amount sanctioned and sanctioning agency has also be attached along sanction letters showing sanctioned amount, duration, name of the beneficiary and project title with duly signed by Director R&D and Registrar are submitted.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
- 3.4 Research Publications and Awards
- 3.4.1 The Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research through the following:
1. Inclusion of research ethics in the research methodology course work
2. Presence of Ethics committee
3. Plagiarism check through software
4. Research Advisory CommitteeDVV CommentThe HEI must provide documents to show that it has implemented the Code and ensures Inclusion of the ethic in the research methodology course work. HEI to provide an attested copy of the syllabus of the research methodology course work to prove research ethics has been included. HEI to provide Constitution of the ethics committee and its proceedings approved by the appropriate academic body. The HEI to provide details of the Constitution of research advisory committee and include its proceedings approved by the appropriate body. HEI must furnish attested copy of the Bills of purchase of plagiarism check software in the name of the HEI. The HEI to provide web link on the institutional website which should lead to the specific page where the Code of Ethics for research is hosted. The HEI to include Reports of appropriate committee constituted to conduct plagiarism check of the research content through licensed plagiarism check software. If the link leads only to the home page, the claim will not be considered. The HEI to provide documents to show Presence of institutional Ethics committees (Animal, chemical, bio-ethics etc), committee for Plagiarism check. . Details of the Plagiarism check in 2018-19 and 2019-20. The HEI to provide details of the current Research Advisory Committee and provide link to the specific page for plagiarism code implementation.ResponseThe university has implemented the code of Ethics which includes the adoption of norms of the Ethics and implementation thereof in the Course of Research Methodology. The code imbibing the norms of Ethics is submitted for the reference as an evidence.
The University herewith submits the copy of the syllabus of the Course work of the Research Methodology.
The following evidentiary documents are also attached/loaded as evidence.
1. The constitution of the Research Advisory committee including proceedings approved by the appropriate body.
2. The name of the software to check Plagiarism including its name. The bill of this instrument cannot be produced since the software has been provided without cost by the UGC. Letter of UGC enclosed.
3. The reference of the Code of Ethics for Research provided specifically on the University website with specific page.
4. The constitution and reports of the committee which checks the research content through URKUND software.
5. Detail references to check Plagiarism during 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - 3.4.2 The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognitions/awards
1.Commendation and monetary incentive at a University function
2.Commendation and medal at a University function
3. Certificate of honor
4.Announcement in the Newsletter / website
DVV CommentThe HEI to provide E-copies of the Policy document signed by the VC, detailing the schemes of incentives as approved. The HEI to provide List of the beneficiaries among faculty along with their contact details, nature of incentives received by each. The HEI must provide E-copies of the letters of incentives, certificate of honours granted by the university to the beneficiary ranging from Study leave to monetary and promotional benefits. Such support documents of proof must be signed by the Registrar and counter signed by the Vice Chancellor. Certificate of honour Announcement in the Newsletter / website The HEI has attached documents for local level awards. Most of these are at the HEI level only. Award of Fellowship or visiting researcher are not the same as state, national and international recognitions/awards. The HEI must audit and provide the following for the audited claim (1) Attested copy of the award for which the incentive is given. (2) Copy of the certificate of appreciation signed by the Head of the institution and copy attested by the registrar.Photo copy of the cheque or draft of monetary incentive. (3) Photographs of the Medal and the university level function where the awardee id presented the Commendation and monetary incentive.ResponseThe following documents are submitted to address the present query:
1. E-copy of the policy documents signed by the Vice Chancellor containing the approved details of the scheme of incentive is submitted along with the list of beneficiaries along with their names, contact details and nature of incentives. (Duly signed by Registrar and counter signed by Vice Chancellor)
2. E-copies of the letter of incentive, certificate of the honors granted by the University to the beneficiary is also submitted.
3. The photographs of the functions conducted at university level to organize award/certificate/appreciation letters/documents are enclosed herewith.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years.
DVV CommentThe HEI has claimed ISSN 2347 – 6648 to be discontinued from Apr 2020. The journlal never ws on ugc-care list. The HEI has not provided ugc-care website link. Only local journals have been quoted which do not fall under Journals notified on UGC website. UGC approved list of journals is available on UGC-CARE list w.e.f 14/06/2019 ( no.F.1-1/2018 (JOURNAL- CARE) January 2019. Research Journals from all disciplines indexed in SCOPUS or Web of Science are included ( UGC – CARE list group A). Link of recognition in UGC enlistment of the journal is included as an excel file in the prescribed format. Link to the relevant signed document must be made available. https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/site/Website/pdf/Indian%20journals%20indexed%20in%20Scopus%20(Source%20List)%2014%202019.pdf or on the site https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/site/Website/pdf/Indian%20journals%20indexed%20in%20Web%20of%20Science%2014%202019.pdf The HEI has given its own website link which has a virus issue. The HEI to provide link of the ugc-care/ Scopus/ Web-of-Science/ Pubmed website and not its own website or the journal home page. HEI to provide direct landing links in Excel data file (NAAC Format) such as https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/211xxxx2452 etc. eg https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100780831 As per the HEI data attached with the Metric. The clarification data Excel sheet has been analyzed and verified with SCOPUS and WEB of Science list of journals. The HEI has not provided uniform data in the year of publication. HEI to provide working hyperlink of ugccare/scopus/ webofscience journals. Link of recognition in UGC enlistment of the journal to be included as an Excel file in the prescribed format. A large number of entries do not have links or even ISSN details.ResponseSubmitted with reference to present query that :
1. This is true that information furnished by you in the DVV which claims that ISSN 2347-6648 have been discontinue from April, 2020. Submitted in this regard the assessment period for the purpose of present NAAC accreditation false between 2015 to Nov, 2020 and therefore the paper published before April, 2020 are valid for the purpose of assessment.
Explanatory Note : The query raise in regard to ISSN 2347-6648 has been verified from the record and found that this paper has been published in Volume 9, Issue 3 March – 2020 -3 at Sr. No. 1045, In the Journal entitled, “PARITOSH” at pp 8551-8563. This information has been again verified by the competent authority of the University before submission for your kind information. This paper has been published in the Hindi language with Dev Nagari script.
2. The list of journals which include the publication of Research papers published by the teachers in the UGC CARE list is also enclosed herewith the appropriate link.
Note : The UGC CARE list was first notified on November, 28 in the year 2018. The reference and copy of relevant notification is enclosed herewith. Submitted in this regard that the Research papers published prior to this date should also be considered for the purpose of Research papers under this clause since such UGC CARE list provision was not in existence.
The list of 191 Research papers published in UGC-CARE listed journals is given in the required format to provide direct landing links in excel data file (NAAC Format) and also submitting uniform data in the year of publication.
Link to the relevant signed documents are also made available. Missing links or ISSN Number have also been given at appropriate places and supporting documents also uploaded.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years
DVV CommentThe HEI has provided graphical or non standard fonts in cell information which do not carry any meaningful data. The HEI has provided a large amount of incomplete entries. The author’s name or ISBN/ISSN number is missing in a large number of these. The DVV input comes from cleaning of the HEI data removing incomplete entries as stated above. The HEI to provide certified photocopy of the first page and showing the ISBN printed on the book in respect of all the books claimed. A large number of ISBN were not identified by search engine based verification s/w. The HEI to provide verified ISBN/ISSN details only. The HEI to furnish a certificate by the registrar that all the ISBN/ISSN are verified. The HEI to provide certified photocopy of the first page of the books and the page showing ISBN details. The HEI must attach data only in NAAC prescribed format for the Metric as an Excel file. All documents to be signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP.Response1. The information regarding the total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in National/International conferences proceedings year wise during last 5 years is submitted in standard fonts.
2. Certified photocopies of first page and showing the ISBN printed on the book in respect of all books is also submitted with Verified ISBN/ISSN details only.
3. A certificate that all the ISBN/ISSN number are verified and duly signed by the Registrar is also submitted. Certified photocopy of first page of the books and page showing ISBN details is also provided.
4. All the data are attached only in NAAC prescribed format for the metrics as an excel file. All documents are duly signed by the competent authority.Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- 3.4.1 The Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research through the following:
- 3.6 Extension Activities
- Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution those through NSS/NCC, Government and Government recognised bodies during the last five yearsDVV CommentReports of year-wise activities to be provided with signed by the faculty in charge and countersigned by the DSW and the Registrar. The number must also show on the photographs submitted along with reports. The HEI to provide newspaper clippings in support of its claim. The HEI has not provide supporting documents as per the SOP. Only extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution including those through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC and off-campus are eligible. The HEI has included other activities eg Tree plantation and environment related (covered under 7.1.6) also which are eligible and considered under different Metric. The HEI to provide reports with Photographs (Geo tagged), signed by the activity in charge/ Dean Student Welfare and counter signed by the registrar. The photographs must be captioned with details of the activity and date. HEI may provide any other supporting document of relevance with proper captions and dates. The reports must be in the same sequence as given in the Excel data file, sorted and serially numbered year wise with detailed report for each extension and outreach program. Specific mention of the number of students who participated and the name of the collaborating agency to be made in the reports. The HEI must provide circulars print reports or Newspaper reports of the events. As per the HEI data and the supporting documents attached with Metric. The HEI data has no dates. The supporting data must be in the form of reports of activities signed by the coordinator, DSW and countersigned by the Registrar.ResponseSubmitted with regard to present query on extension activities and programmes of social activity by the NCC/NSS/Red cross/YRC and the off campus programme through any of the institution/department of the University that the list of programmes with evidentiary proof in the form of year wise report photograph etc. are being submitted as under:
1. Year wise Reports of Extension Activities and Outreach Programmes duly signed by Faculty in-charge concerned and counter signed by the Registrar is submitted along with relevant photographs, newspaper clippings and other supporting documents with mention of activity number.
2. The tree plantation and environment related issues were also undertaken by the NSS students and Scouts.
3. Photographs signed by the activity in-charge and counter signed by the Registrar are submitted with captioned details of activities and dates.
4. The contains the information with regard to the nature of activity, place of activity, date of activity, target group, participatory/organizing individual or group, teacher incharge, response of target group etc. The reports further includes the photographs of the activity or programme conducted.
5. The specific mention of the circular/office orders etc. to notify students and teachers regarding the date, time and venue of the conduct of activity is also submitted.
Note : In addition to the above information, the reports have been signed by the DSW of the University.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - Total number of students participating in extension activities listed at 3.6.3 above year-wise during the last five years.
DVV CommentAs per students participating in extension activities listed at 3.6.3 above year-wise to be provided with signed by the faculty in charge and countersigned by the DSW and the Registrar. The number must also show on the photographs submitted along with reports. The HEI to provide newspaper clippings in support of its claim.ResponseThe year wise lists of students participation in extension activities/outreach programme is submitted duly signed by Faculty Incharge and counter signed by the Registrar.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution those through NSS/NCC, Government and Government recognised bodies during the last five yearsDVV CommentReports of year-wise activities to be provided with signed by the faculty in charge and countersigned by the DSW and the Registrar. The number must also show on the photographs submitted along with reports. The HEI to provide newspaper clippings in support of its claim. The HEI has not provide supporting documents as per the SOP. Only extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution including those through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC and off-campus are eligible. The HEI has included other activities eg Tree plantation and environment related (covered under 7.1.6) also which are eligible and considered under different Metric. The HEI to provide reports with Photographs (Geo tagged), signed by the activity in charge/ Dean Student Welfare and counter signed by the registrar. The photographs must be captioned with details of the activity and date. HEI may provide any other supporting document of relevance with proper captions and dates. The reports must be in the same sequence as given in the Excel data file, sorted and serially numbered year wise with detailed report for each extension and outreach program. Specific mention of the number of students who participated and the name of the collaborating agency to be made in the reports. The HEI must provide circulars print reports or Newspaper reports of the events. As per the HEI data and the supporting documents attached with Metric. The HEI data has no dates. The supporting data must be in the form of reports of activities signed by the coordinator, DSW and countersigned by the Registrar.ResponseSubmitted with regard to present query on extension activities and programmes of social activity by the NCC/NSS/Red cross/YRC and the off campus programme through any of the institution/department of the University that the list of programmes with evidentiary proof in the form of year wise report photograph etc. are being submitted as under:
- 3.7 Collaboration
- Number of functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research year-wise during the last five years.
DVV Comment——–ResponseSubmitted with the reference the present query that the NAAC has considered/admitted the claim of HEI with regard to the 5 of MoU out of the claimed 9 MoUs. The university appreciate the admission of 5 MoUs
Submitted with regard the remaining 4 MoUs that:
It is submitted that out of 9 MoU 5 were considered by NAAC, related documents is uploaded herewith for consideration.
Moreover we have one additional functional Mou’s, which could not be uploaded, is now submitted with supporting documents for your kind consideration if the rules/norms allows. The copy of MoU with detailed facts is submitted for your consideration along with the reports of the research conduct.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- Number of functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research year-wise during the last five years.
- 3.1Promotion of Research and Facilities
- Criteria 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
- 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource
- Number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
DVV CommentThe HEI has not provided any supporting document. The HEI has not provided any data/information in support of its claim of the number. The HEI to provide Certified E-copy of the ledger for footfalls for the days as listed below. 27/July/2019,10/Aug/2019, 10/Sep/2019, 17/Oct/2019 and 15/Feb/2020. The HEI to provide copies of the output and analysis of the automated system of library entry data attested ( by the competent Authority as per the SOP). Certified screenshots of the data for the same 5 days for online access. Alternately The HEI may Provide E-copy/scan of the log book entries of library users OR register entries, attested by the librarian & countersigned by the Registrar, onResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.The copies of the lists containing the data of teacher and students visited to the libraries 27.07.2019, 10.08.2019, 10.09.2019, 15.10.2019 & 15.02.2020 are also submitted along with signatures of the teachers and students who visited the library on the said days signed by the Librarian and counter signed by the Registrar. However, the HEI does not submit this data for 10.09.2019 as there was a public holiday on the given date.
2.The copies of the output of an analysis of automated system of Library entry data attested by the Librarian counter signed by the Registrar are submitted.
3.Certified screenshots of data for the said 5 days is submitted however there was no provision for the online access. Therefore, data in this form cannot be provided. However, The scanned copies of the log book entries of library users/registered entries attested by the Librarian counter signed by the Registrar are submitted.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- Number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
- 4.3 IT Infrastructure
- 4.3.4 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
DVV CommentThe HEI has claimed benefit of NME-ICT project of MHRD but did not provide supporting letter that authorizes applicability of letter to the HEI. The HEI to provide such document that support applicability of the provisions of facilities under NME-ICT to the institute. The attached data is just numbers and is irrelevant without supporting documents. The HEI to provide attested copy of the letter that makes NME-ICT project of MHRD applicable to the HEI.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1. The supporting documents authorizing applicability of letter to IASE deemed to be University of NME-ICT Project of MHRD sent to all the Vice Chancellor of all the Universities of India states that every university gets from BSNL in optical fiber connectivity of 1GBPS to National Knowledge Network.
2. The copy of the letter purchase order of supply installation and facility management of university LAN infrastructure under NME-ICT project for IASE (deemed to be university) of GVM is submitted as proof of applicability of project to this institution.
3. The university has paid its matching contribution of over 49.63 lakhs to BSNL.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- 4.3.4 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
- 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
- Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)
DVV CommentThe HEI to Provide audited income and expenditure statement highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by CA/Finance Officer and counter signed by the Registrar. Consolidated list of the expenditure under this head for five years signed by Finance Officer and counter signed by the registrar of the Deemed to be University. Focus of this metric is only on the maintenance of physical and academic support facilities. Mere statement of last five years data on the metric without audited statement will not be considered.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.Copies of audited income expenditure statements for last 5 years highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic supports facilities duly certified by Finance Officer and counter signed by the Registrar are submitted.
2.A consolidated list of expenditure under this head for 5 years signed by Finance Officer counter signed by the Registrar is also provided. The copies of budgets for last 5 years as approved by the Finance Committee are also submitted for your perusal.
Note : This data is furnished year wise and nature of work wise.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given belowClick to View Attachment
- Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)
- 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource
- Criteria 5: Student Support and Progression
- 5.1 Student Support
- 5.1.3 Following Capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students capability
1. Soft skills
2. Language and communication skills
3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
4. Awareness of trends in technology
DVV CommentThe HEI must provide these on the Institutional website and provide specific link to the page displaying the program / schemes mentioned in the Metric. Self attested copies of circulars/ brochures or reports of the event/ activity reports to be included year wise. Ref must be made to the Annual reports for Pre-Examination Coaching centres. The HEI to provide the link to the Language and communication skills-Capacity development and skills enhancement initiatives are taken by the institution The HEI to provide documents regarding the attendance and certificates for the following programs along with the students enrolled in Excel format. The HEI to provide copy of the time table for certified by the competent Authority as per the SOP, for Language and communication skills- and Awareness of trends in technology for 2019-20 and 2020-21. A Copy of the circular/brochure of such programs or location or notice signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP informing the students about the cells may be attached. The HEI must attach data only in NAAC prescribed format for the Metric as an Excel file. All documents are to be signed by the competent Authority as per the SOP. The activities mentioned in the attache link are skill development and not for for improving students capability 1. Soft skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. Awareness of trends in technology. The HEI to provide documents regarding the attendance and certificates for the following programs along with the students enrolled in Excel format. Soft skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. Awareness of trends in technology. The HEI to provide copy of the time table, certified by the competent Authority as per the SOP, for remedial classes and bridge courses for 2019-20 and 2020-21. A Copy of the circular/brochure of such programs or location or notice signed by the competentResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.The institution has provided/displayed this information on the institutional website and specific links to the page displaying capacity development programmes and skill enhancement activities conducted during last 5 years to scale up students’ capabilities are given.
2.The programmes/activities conducted yearly and category wise are submitted in form of soft skills, language and communication skills, life skills (Yoga, Physical fitness, Health and Hygiene). The list of programme with details data is furnished herewith.
3.Attested copies of the circulars/reports/events are submitted year wise. Link for language and communication skills, capacity development and skill enhancement initiatives taken by the institution are provided. The documents related to attendance for these activities along with the students enrolled are also submitted.
4.Certified copies of time table for language and communication skills for year 2019-20 and 2020-21 are submitted.
5.Copies of circulars/ notice issued by the competent authorities informing the students about the events/activities are attached herewith.
6.All the data in NAAC prescribed format for metrics as an excel files is also submitted. All the documents are signed by the competent authority and their links are provided.
7.Students attendance enrolled for these activities in excel format is also submitted. Copies of time table for remedial classes for 2019-20 and 2020-21 certified by the authorities along with copies of circulars of these programmes are also submitted.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given belowClick to View Attachment - 5.1.4 The institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies
2. Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
3. Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances
4. Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committeesDVV CommentThe HEI has uploaded copies of letters constituting some committees. However the requirement for the Metric is of providing Web-link leading to particular programs/ schemes mentioned in the metric. The HEI has not provided policy document of the University. HEI to provide the policy clearly showing Implementation of the guidelines issued by the statutory/regulatory bodies. HEI to provide attested copy of the same with original signed by the VC. The policy must exhibit how the university is implementing Organization wide awareness of the policy and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance. The Policy must also specify the Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances and timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees. The HEI has not provided attested copies of any of the proceedings of any of the committees. These to be provided.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.The copies of different letters/orders/circulars/notification/provision of law constituting the committees for 1) Redressal of Student Grievances 2) Anti Sexual Harassment and 3) Anti Ragging Cases are loaded herewith. (Refer/Click for web link)
2.The policy providing provision/guidelines for implementation of the guidelines issued with regard to the above committees by the regulatory/statutory authority.
Note : These copies have been attested and signed by the Vice Chancellor of the University
3.The policy consists the provision to implement these policies as the policies of awareness and implementation with zero tolerance.
4.The policy consists a Mechanism to submit online or offline grievance and timely redressal through appropriate committees.
5.The copies of the implementation of mandate through different proceedings by the different committees.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- 5.1.3 Following Capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students capability
- 5.2 Student Progression
- Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: IIT/JAM/ NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/ State government examinations) year-wise during last five years
DVV CommentThe HEI to provide List of students, year-wise under each head. HEI to provide attested copies of the Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination year wise under each category. In absence of certificate, the claim will not be considered. The HEI has not provided the details in the Excel sheet as per the template. The certificates attached are not clear in scan and have essential details masked. The HEI has included letters of appointment and admit cards in the attached data. HEI to provide data complete in the Excel format as per NAAC template requirement. HEI to provide only result cards of the exams as in the Metric. HEI to provide a certificate signed by the registrar for the number of students who appeared in the exams as in the Metric.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.Year wise lists of the students under each heads with attested copies of qualifying certificates of the students taking the examinations year wise under each category is provided and all the details in the excel sheet as per the template has been provided.
2.The certificates with clear scanned copies and legible essential details are submitted. Students cards of the examination as metrics are provided. A certificate signed by the registrar for the number of students who appeared in the exams as in the Metrics is also provided.
Note : The said information is given in the excel sheet as per the template with clear scanning of certificates for your perusal.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - Number of outgoing students placed year – wise during the last five years.
DVV CommentName and roll number of the students placed along with the name of the company placing and the package.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.The detail list of the students year wise and company/office of employment and package is submitted with seal and signature of the Registrar.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given belowClick to View Attachment
- Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: IIT/JAM/ NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/ State government examinations) year-wise during last five years
- 5.3 Student Participation and Activities
- Number of sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the institution year – wise during the last five years.
DVV Comment
The attached data contains events that do not qualify as sports and cultural activities/ competitions organized at the institution level. These functions are repetitions. The HEI has not attached any Report/ photographs in support of its claim of the event OR a copy of the circular /brochure. The HEI must reconcile and provide only the sports and cultural activities / competitions organized at the institution level. Reports indicating the kind of events with supporting photographs may be attached. Celebrations of events are not competitions. The HEI must provide reports with photographs of the activities in the same order as the Excel entries with one to one correspondence. HEI to include only sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the institution year – wise during the last five years. the HEI must provide copies of the notices/ circulars issued and the result of the competitions. The copies to be attested by the registrar. The data must be AY wise in Excel file. All photographs and reports to be captioned with date of activity and signed by the student welfare office/ in charge and counter signed by the registrar. As per the report attached and the gallery on the website the HEI has sports day every year. All Athletics are covered as one. Similarly dance/singing is one, painting/Rangoli/Cartooning/Mehdi is 01 and Drama/ Skit is 01. The HEI must provide additional reports for activities attached. Inter HEI Annual Meet, Freshers Welcome, Students Farewell Ceremony, Agamani Adda, Diwali Celebration, Viswakarma Teacher’s Day, Engineer’s Day, Republic Day Celebration, Independence Day Celebration, Launch, Batch Farewell, Tourism Day are not eligible. Only activities involving sports/ cultural events are eligible. All Athletic events are part of sports day. The HEI must provide attested reports and photographs/ circulars/ result announcement and newspaper clips for activities claimed.
Submitted with reference to the present query that :
1.The year wise event, its circular/brochure/notice/photographs separately for Sports, Cultural and Competitions have been attached for your kind perusal(This includes specification of its organization at institutional level, state level, national level and regional level).
2.Photographs have been furnished in excel entries with one to one correspondence.
Note : Photographs and data are in AY wise in excel file with caption of programme/activity and signed by DSW/Programme incharge and counter signed by the Registrar.
3.List of Athletic event year wise
4.List of Cultural activities year wise
5.List of additional report of activities addressed
6.Additional reports for activities and news paper clippings have also been attached.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below: -
- 5.1 Student Support
- Criteria 6: Governance, Leadership and Management
- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
- 6.5.2 Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance
1. Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow up action taken
2.Confernces, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted
3. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
4.Orientation programme on quality issues for teachers and students
5. Participation in NIRF
6.Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA).DVV CommentThe HEI has not provided any documents in support of its claim. The HEI did not provide documents (reports, captioned photographs signed by the Registrar), on Conferences, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted. The HEI to provide list of Conferences / Seminars / Workshops on quality conducted along with brochures and geo tagged photos with caption and date. The theme of the Conferences , Seminars and the Workshops need to be on quality. The HEI has not provided the reports of the claimed activities and has not provided the date of conduct of these. Only Collaborations for quality improvements and initiatives collaborative with other institution(s) for implementation of quality are eligible. The HEI to provide attested copies of MoU’s and the List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures and geo tagged photos with caption and date. HEI to provide attested copy of the NIRF ranking certificates/NBA/ ISO. There is no support document or certification of AAA by the competent authority. The HEI must include certified copy of the convening orders for AAA, the minutes of the meetings, out-comes and the action taken on the recommendations of the Academic Administrative Audit.ResponseSubmitted with reference to the present query that :
1.Copy of the documents ensuring Academic & Administrative Audit with data, reports and implementation thereof is submitted.
2.The year wise data/information concerned with Conferences, Workshops, Seminars along with there proposals, theme, date of events, sessions, budgetary provisions, bills, photographs (with caption and date) and reports duly signed by the organizing officer and Registrar are submitted.
3.The copies of the documents describing the collaboration, subject matter of collaboration, activities of collaboration, sharing of liabilities, outcomes of collaborative research and functioning along with its reports, bills and over all expenditure statements are attached.
4.The copies of the certificates of participation in orientation/refresher courses/ARPIT courses by teachers year wise is submitted.
5.Reports of the activities with date of conduct are submitted along with copy of NIRF ranking application we made.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- 6.5.2 Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance
- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
- Criteria 7: Institutional Values and Best Practices
- 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
- 7.1.5 Green campus initiatives include:
1. Restricted entry of automobiles
2. Use of Bicycles/ Battery powered vehicles
3. Pedestrian Friendly pathways
4. Ban on use of Plastic
5. landscaping with trees and plantsDVV CommentThe cliam of the institute that the Govt. of Maharashtrissued a circular for ‘Ban on use of Plastic’ on dated July 10, 2018, does not become automatically applicable but has to be implemented. The university is in Rajasthan where there is shortfall of rain and deficient water and the land is arid. The HEI to provide attested copy of the HEI green campus policy (original signed by the head of the institution, with unique reference No and date), on water conservation and details of the measures adopted under the policy. HEI to provide Geo tagged photographs/videos of the facilities such as Battery-powered vehicles, use of bicycles etc, captioned and signed by the Registrar. HEI to attach circulars, with ref and date for the Pedestrian-friendly pathways, Ban on the use of Plastics, vehicular traffic and Restricted entry of automobiles. HEI may provide any other supporting document.ResponseSubmitted to the reference to the query that
1.The university has a policy by an appropriate Circular to ban entry of automobiles in the areas/building where teaching and academic activities are being carried out. 95% of the total ear marked for university does not any access for automobiles. The land is full of desert sand. Therefore, automobiles cannot move there.
There is a restricted entry for automobiles in the premises administrative building.
2.The majority of people visiting this university premises as an employees or students or visitors visiting the campus either come by Bycycle or by walk.The university have provision for battery power vehicle however its number is restricted to one.
3.The university has ban over the use and carrying plastic objectives in the university campus. The Board of Management has passed resolution to this effect and same is implemented by the administration.
4.(a) Landscaping with trees and plants: The university has effective programming and their implementation of landscaping and plantation of trees including development of huge 07 gardens developed in deserts full of lawns spread a in about 35 acres areas.
(b)The university has its own garden for cultivation of crop, vegetables etc. To pursue this programming effectively by university generates vermin-compost for organic farming.
(c)The university has developed one student one tree policy from plantation to its maintenance till the plant grows. This has resulted into the development of 2000 plants in 3 years of the assessment period by the present NAAC.
(d) The university has developed unique infrastructure for Rain Water Harvesting. This includes two separate infrastructure one for the purpose of drinking water and the second is for the purpose for agriculture and pearl culture.
5. The university has pathways, lift and ramps in the premises accessible to all the visitors, employees and students.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment - 7.1.10 The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard. 1. The Code of Conduct is displayed on the websiteDVV CommentThe link provided opens pdf file but not on the website. Neither on the home page nor under any link. The policy may exist but the documents do not support that The Code of Conduct is displayed on the website There is a committee to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students, teachers, administrators and other staff Annual awareness programmes on Code of Conduct are organized.ResponseSubmitted to the reference to the present query that :
1.The university has developed and displayed code of conduct for students, teachers, administration and other staff and also conduct programmes in this regards on its website.
2.The university has developed committees to ensure monitoring and adherence of these code of conduct.
3.Organisation of Professional ethics programmes for students, teachers, administrator and other staff for implementation of code of conduct directly and through value based teaching are also submitted
4.Details of the Annual Awareness Programme on code of conduct organize by the institution and group of Teachers, Staff, Students and Officers.
Due to the huge size of the file the hyperlink is created on the institutional website and the link is given below:Click to View Attachment
- 7.1.5 Green campus initiatives include:
- 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities